Soft Drinks (Sample)

The Sample Soft Drink Category profiles are listed below. Click on the respective link to view the desired brand and/or market information.

Brand Summary

This provides a detailed statistical analysis separately for each brand of total market brand share, in addition to demographic characteristics, social media exposure, frequency of use (where applicable), and sports fan involvement. This is most appropriate when you want a concise, comprehensive for one specific brand.

Brand Loyalty /
Brand Switching

This provides a detailed statistical analysis separately for each brand of brand loyalty and brand switching patterns to and from the brand among users of a brand one year or less. This is most appropriate when you want to examine brands most vulnerable to the brand and brands to whom the brand is most vulnerable. (NOTE: SAMPLE TABLE ONLY AVAILABLE NOW. TABLES FOR ALL BRANDS WILL BE AVAILABLE IN JANUARY OF 2019)

Brand Share Index

This is CBA's exclusive Interactive Program that enables you to choose any brand or brands and any demographic characteristic and create a graphic chart and accompanying statistical table reflecting your choice of brands and segments. This program has merit whether you are focused on a specific brand or a series of brands.

Total Market

This provides the total market size (number of users), a summary table of brand shares, overall market demographics, and frequency of use (where appropriate) for the product category combining all brands. This is a good way to obtain a quick overview of any given product category.



Excel file with extensive cross-tabulations of demographics, social media exposure, frequency of use (where applicable) and sports fan involvement.


A comparison of market size, selected characteristics and social media exposure for leading brands.


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