Introducing CBA

New, annual up-to-date interactive research report featuring the popularity of over 200 America’s leading brands among teen-agers and adults. Reports for each brand include number of users, share of market, consumption frequency, demographics, social media and sports fan behavior. CBA is an ideal low-cost tool for academics and executives involved in marketing and/or advertising.

  1. 200+ consumer brand profiles

    Nike, Toyota, Doritos, McDonald's, Fidelity, State Farm, Gatorade, Monster, Southwest Airlines, Bud Light, Enterprise, Apple, Verizon, VISA, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, to name a few. See All Brands

  2. Current annual reports, teen-age and adult market coverage

    Annual data updated every December, covering teen-ager and adult consumers.

  3. Invaluable support for market planning

    Wide-ranging resource for strategic and tactical advertising, social media, market and sales planning.

  4. Multiple subscription options

    Subscription choices range from one to all 19 product categories.

CBA Highlights

19 product categories, each one with five reporting sections.  Each reporting section is accessible from an icon, along with a description of the nature of the contents. The reporting sections are:

  • Total Market
  • Individual Brand reports
  • Interactive Analytical Program
  • Cross-Tabbed market statistics in significant detail, including Brand Share Index
  • Top Ten Brand comparative highlights
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